Classroom Website

Monday 20 November 2017

This Week's Precept According to 2/3W...

"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud."  Maya Angelou

"The cloud is a person who's sad or mad, and the other person is the rainbow trying to make the cloud feel better because it's it's basically trying to put the light in the cloud!"  -Emily

"The cloud is the sad person and the rainbow is trying to fill that sad person's bucket!"  -Brye-Anna

"The cloud is okay but not happy, and the rainbow is happy. It is an object that gives happiness, and if you put the rainbow in the cloud you get a happy cloud!"  -Hannah

"The cloud is mad because his friends are being mean to him or maybe he feels like he is being bullied. The rainbow is a true friend who turns your frown upside down." -Goewra and Breeona

"The cloud is sad and lonely. Then the rainbow comes to colour it in."  -Matteo

"The cloud is a hurt student, and the rainbow is going to get the teacher and helps bring the cloud to the office." -Braeden

"The cloud is all alone and has no one to play with. The rainbow is a good friend who helps him and plays with him." -Maximus

"The Cloud family is very poor and Christmas is coming. The Rainbow family gives them money to buy presents for their family. The Rainbow can tell them about Jesus' birth and the true meaning of Christmas". -Olivia and Brye-Anna

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